Player Pitch baseball is for all players 7 through 12 years-old. It is highly encouraged that first year players that are 7 play Machine Pitch to help learn the fundamentals.
The Player Pitch is broken into multiple divisions based on age and skill. Some divisions are dependent upon having enough age eligible players registered.
Major: 11 and 12 years-old. This division is competitive and has expectations that players have the basic skills mastered and a strong understanding of the game. This is a draft-only division, players will be selected based on skill to respective teams. Drafted players typically return to the same team year over year. Games will be played on week days.
Minor: 8 to 11 years-old. This division is instructional, but leans toward competitive. The expectation is players are still working on some of the basic skills, while having an understanding of the basic concepts. This is a draft-only division, players will be selected based on skill to respective teams. Teams are drafted new each season. Games will be played on week days.
Bantam: 7 to 9 years-old. This division is instructional and designed for players that are ready to start seeing some live pitching while still needing to develop basic skills. This is a draft-only division, players will face player pitching for the first time. 7 and 8 year-old players will be assigned to a Machine Pitch Division team if not drafted. Games will be played on week days and Saturdays.